Cardholder Eligibility

To be eligible to receive a VCU Campus Card, prior authorization must be obtained. For security reasons, Campus Card Services (CCS) will not, under any circumstances, authorize affiliates, employees, or students for a VCUCard. Authorizations by email, letters, or phone calls will not be accepted. Eligibility information will systematically populate the CCS system within 24-48 hours. This information is received from the IAM Identity Vault. Various systems, such as Banner and Workday, provide authorizations to the Identity Vault. The VCUCard Office and CCS are not able to manipulate this information.

VCU Students

Students become eligible after they successfully enroll for classes through the Office of the University Registrars registration process and the enrollment active status is received into the CCS system. Students usually receive instructions from an orientation coordinator regarding when to obtain a card. Otherwise, a request for a card can be made within 2 weeks before the start of class.

Distance Learning: There is no requirement for any Distance Learning Student to obtain a card since they will not physically be on campus. However, CCS can provide a card as a courtesy.

Returning Students: If a student takes a break from school for 120 days or more, their account will not be re-activated until classes begin in the semester in which they are enrolled.

VCU Employees

Employees become eligible after a personnel administrator of the sponsoring department enters the employee information into Banner and the information is received accurately into the CCS system. The process is typically completed before the first day of employment. Employees usually receive instructions from HR or their supervisor regarding when to obtain a card.

VCU Health Employees

Employees become eligible after the VCU Health System's Human Resources or sponsoring department enters the employee information into Workday and the information is received accurately into the CCS system. The process is typically completed before the first day of employment. The employee information must have the following data represented accurately:

  1. Employee Name
  2. Licensure (if applicable)
  3. Job Title
  4. Sponsoring Department Name
  5. Badge Type

Any incorrect information will be communicated back to the employee or appropriate department by CCS and must be corrected before issuing a card.

VCU and VCU Health Affiliates

Affiliates become eligible after the sponsoring department enters their affiliate information into Banner or Workday, and the information is received accurately into the CCS system. The affiliate information (excluding Retirees/Emeritus) must have the following data represented accurately:

  1. Employee Name
  2. Affiliation/Job Title
  3. Sponsoring Department

Any incorrect information will be communicated to the appropriate department by CCS and must be corrected before issuing a card.

Retirees and Emeritus: Only the previous employer or the Human Resources Department can grant faculty Retiree or Emeritus status. Once processed in Banner, a letter will be mailed as verification of status. A copy of this letter must be submitted at the time the request for a card is made.

Check Your Status

In general, you will be eligible to receive a VCUCard once your cardholder account is active and accurate in the CCS system. If you are unsure if your eligibility has been received after reading the information above, please call us to verify your status.