
RamBucks is a declining debit account activated upon the first issuance of your Campus Card. RamBucks can be used to pay for goods and services at all on-campus locations, and a variety of off-campus locations. Each time you use your RamBucks, your remaining balance is displayed either on the register or on your receipt. There are no transaction fees or minimum balance requirements. A RamBucks account is not a checking account and you cannot withdraw RamBucks in cash. Please read all RamBucks Account Terms and Conditions before making a deposit.

Make A Deposit

Your account is active and funds are available to you as soon as you “load” funds onto your Campus Card. Make your deposit in one of three easy ways and use your funds. It's just that simple!

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RamBucks Locations

In addition to being used on campus, RamBucks can be used off-campus at a variety of locations for goods and services. Review our list of Card Locations to find places to use your RamBucks.

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RamBucks Gift Card 

Visitors of VCU can purchase a RamBucks Gift Card for $1.00 and deposit funds to use while on campus. Reload your RamBucks Card at your convenience and enjoy some of the same benefits as a Campus Card.

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New Merchants

As a new merchant, accepting RamBucks is an easy way to boost business and introduce your services to the VCU community. Merchants interested in joining our RamBucks program can submit a request online for review.

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RamBucks account refunds can be requested online, subject to certain conditions.

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Online Access

Download the GET Mobile App or visit myVCUcard.com for quick access to your RamBucks account and transaction history.