Photo Standards for VCU Campus Cards

To ensure consistency across all cardholder images, we follow a standard for capturing images of all cardholders. Our goal is to obtain a current, focused, and unobstructed image of your entire face, including all your facial features such as beauty marks.

Important Policies

  • We have the final say
    We reserve the right to refuse any image that does not adhere to our standards
  • Our guidelines have guidelines
    We closely follow the U.S. Passport image guidelines as outlined by the United States Department of State
  • Capture with confidence
    We will only use your picture for your identification and our internal training

The Standard

If you are new to VCU or have a significant change in your appearance, you must have an updated picture on file. All photos must have the cardholder:

  • Be the only person in the photo
  • Be under normal contrast and lighting
  • Have clearly visible eyes that are looking directly forward, without glare or obstruction
  • Have their head and chin facing straight forward
  • Have their head visible without hats, tinted glasses, sunglasses, or props
  • Standing in front of a plain neutral-colored background
  • Wearing clothes normally worn with sufficient contrast between the background
  • With a rested facial expression without exaggeration


Non-tinted prescription glasses are allowed as long as the picture can be taken without a glare.

Head Coverings
Religious head coverings are allowed if your government-issued photo ID includes a picture of you in your head covering.