Verification of Identity

You must present a government-issued photo identification document (ID) when submitting a request for a VCU Campus Card. We must be able to verify your Face, Name, and Date of Birth on one of the following valid forms of ID issued by the United States:

  • Driver's License
  • Government Issued Passport or Visa
  • State Issued Identification Card
  • Military Identification Card
  • Employment Authorization Card

We do not accept photocopies. You must physically present or show an electronic version of your ID to receive a VCUCard. Note: You must physically present your ID in-person to receive a VCU Health Card. Verification is not typically required for replacement cards.

Verification Alternatives

Parent/Guardian Consent

Students unable to provide a valid form of identification can have their parent or legal guardian submit a Consent Form as an alternative form of verification. Forms are available in our office. Consent can also be provided through our online form process. The parent or legal guardian that signs this form must be present at the time the student receives their Campus Card.

Replacement Cards

Verification of Identity is typically not required for card replacements. The VCUCard Office will use the photo on file, along with other account attributes, for customer identification.